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- Werner Herzog - Grizzly Man[TNTVILLAGE] -

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Grizzly Man

**** ENG **
Plot summary:  
A docudrama that centers on amateur grizzly bear expert Timothy Treadwell. He periodically journeyed to Alaska to study and live with the bears. He was killed, along with his his girlfriend, Amie Huguenard, by a rogue bear in October 2003. The films explores their compassionate lives as they found solace among these endangered animals.  Written by Sujit R. Varma

For thirteen consecutive summers, the American Timothy Treadwell moved to Katmai in the Alaskan Peninsula to live among the grizzly bears, with the pretext of studying and protecting them. In 2003, his girlfriend Amie Huguenard and he were surprisingly attacked and ate by a bear. Werner Herzog somehow accessed more than one hundred hours of footages filmed by Timothy and released this documentary, showing the life and death of Timothy Treadwell. Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Review: (Peter Bradshaw, The Guardian)
Tragicomedy is an overworked word. Yet nothing else will do. Werner Herzog, that connoisseur of extreme figures in far-off places, has made an inspired documentary about the gonzo naturalist Timothy Treadwell, who in 2003 ended up as lunch for the bears he lived with in the remote Alaskan wilderness.
It is poignant, it is beautiful, and it is absolutely hilarious. Herzog didn\'t even have much work to do, what\'s more, because Treadwell - gifted, untrained film-maker that he was - had done almost everything himself, leaving behind hundreds of hours of videotape that he had shot at extreme and indeed fatal risk to himself. They contain sublime, dramatic shots of the bears and footage of his own mad and posturing rants to camera, wearing combats and a bandana - part surfer-dude, part drama-queen. Poor Mr Treadwell. He loved those bears. And they loved him. Yum, yum!
Timothy Treadwell was a mixed-up kid from Long Island in the US who wanted to be an actor. He auditioned for Cheers, but the shock and disappointment of coming second to Woody Harrelson sent him over the edge into drink and drug crises. He came out the other side clean and sober, but with a new passion: the grizzly bears of Alaska. Every summer, he went camping out there with his video camera and his attitude problem, regularly breaking the US park rangers\' rule not to come within 100 yards of a bear. Timothy got up close and personal, giving them cute names like \"Mr Chocolate\" and \"Sgt Brown\", patting them on the nose, and becoming obsessed with gaining the bears\' respect for his courage in doing so. His opening rant to camera is a comic classic, influenced, I very much suspect, by Dennis Hopper in Apocalypse Now: \"I am a kind warrior! I will not die at their claws and paws! I will be a master!\"
Bizarrely, his macho extreme-sports persona often alternates with something screamingly camp. Treadwell yoo-hoos wildly like Robin Williams at the bears who lope up to him: \"Oh hi! Hiya! Oh he\'s a big bear! He\'s a surly bear!\" And Treadwell is often very funny - a reality TV natural who never got his own show. There are too many choice moments to describe here, but among the classics is his sudden zooming-in on an immobile bumble bee on a flower, which he tearfully describes: \"Isn\'t this so sad? A bumble-bee expired while it was doing the pollen thing. It\'s beautiful ... it\'s sad ... it\'s tragic ... it\'s... WAIT! The bee just MOVED! Is it ... is it just SLEEPING?\" Later, Treadwell films a full-on macho-bear fight between Micky and Sgt Brown over a female called Saturn, whom Treadwell describes as the \"Michelle Pfeiffer of bears\".
His mission was to teach the world about these animals, and this he certainly did, according to his lights, touring schools and giving illustrated talks to kids without accepting a fee. But he also angrily claimed, in some of his looniest soliloquies, that he was \"protecting\" the bears from poachers or even the federal authorities. The awful truth was that he did not add anything to our knowledge of bears, and that any supposed danger these animals were in, living as they did in a protected national park, existed only in Treadwell\'s over-heated, self-dramatising imagination.
Treadwell\'s over-the-top persona is in contrast to the cool, deadpan drone of Herzog himself, who pays tribute to his intuitive skills as a film-maker, but repudiates Treadwell\'s Disneyfied view of nature, seeing in it only colossal coldness and indifference. Herzog appears on camera just once, listening through headphones to Treadwell\'s final screams - and those of his luckless girlfriend - as they are both eaten. It is only audio, as Treadwell was attacked before he could remove the lens-cap; in a masterstroke of restraint, Herzog does not let us hear this sound, and sorrowfully advises Treadwell\'s former girlfriend, Jewel, to burn the tape. I wonder if she has.
Was Timothy Treadwell an inspired radical operating outside the academic naturalist establishment - or a pain in the neck with personal issues? A little of both, of course. He was certainly a brilliant performer and director who, by crossing the taboo line (by as it were impaling himself on the taboo line\'s barbed wire) vividly demonstrated the alien-ness of nature, and therefore its strange and terrible beauty, more than anything I\'ve ever seen by David Attenborough. It is a superb documentary, because Treadwell has not been coerced or set up; he was enough of an amateur to be relaxed and unselfconscious, yet enough of a professional to generate all this outstanding footage, and quite rightly Herzog declines to patronise or make fun of him. If we didn\'t already know Timothy Treadwell\'s awful fate, it would be enough to say: a star is born.

**** ITA **
Trama: (da AFDigitale)
Nell’estate del 2003 Timothy Treadwell - un passato da alcolizzato amante del surf - e la fidanzata vengono uccisi e sbranati da un orso Grizzly in una remota zona dell’Alaska, dove da tredici anni Timothy viveva a stretto contatto con gli orsi e con la natura. Una fine atroce che chiude nel peggiore dei modi l’ossessione dell’uomo per i Grizzly e che viene ripresa da Werner Herzog seguendo un ideale percorso di pazzia ed estremo che pare uscito direttamente dai capolavori dell’autore tedesco. Alternando interviste e immagini girate dallo stesso Timothy (oltre cento ore di filmati), Herzog firma così uno dei più bei film non-fiction degli ultimi dieci anni, riuscendo a toccare con delicatezza e con un sapiente uso della voce fuori campo le giuste “corde” umane della vicenda, ricordandoci che chi vive per un’ossessione è in fondo destinato a rimanervi intrappolato fino alla fine. Tecnicamente parlando, il DVD è ben realizzato; il video risente della doppia natura delle riprese (16mm per le interviste realizzate da Herzog, digitale per le immagini di repertorio di Timothy), ma in generale il quadro è decisamente riuscito per pulizia e definizione, non risentendo inoltre di una compressione molto invasiva nonostante non manchi un sottile strato di grana negli spezzoni in pellicola. La traccia multicanale è basata per lo più sulle voci di Timothy, del regista e delle persone intervistate, ma il blocco posteriore interviene nel sottolineare le bellissime musiche di Richard Thompson e, dove capita, gli effetti di ambienza. Ricchissima la sezione extra, molto più completa di quella dell’edizione americana; oltre al bellissimo dietro le quinte della colonna sonora (54’), troviamo un’intervista a Enrico Ghezzi (24’), un suo commento ad alcune sequenze (5’), uno speciale sui documentari di Herzog (11’), una scheda testuale sull’orso Grizzly, un trailer e la biofilmografia del regista.

Recensione del Film “Grizzly man” a cura di Giordano Rampazzi  (voto:
Oltrepassare i limiti e infrangere le regole della ‘stupida’ Natura significa soccombere a una grandezza e a un’indifferenza che non ci appartengono. Il regista insisiste su questo concetto perchè non trova cosa più importante e giusta che studiare – creando arte per poi decostruirla – quell’elemento così misterioso e “impazzito” che ha costituito la separazione dell’uomo da tutte le altre specie animali. Ed è proprio in questo ignoto spazio profondo che si nasconde la chiave per comprendere la materia d’indagine del cinema di Werner Herzog.
Questa volta la scelta del protagonista cade su Timothy Treadwell (il grizzly man), un attivista ambientalista che decise di vivere in un parco naturale dell’Alaska a stretto contatto con i Grizzly per “preservarli” dai bracconieri, ma che dopo tredici estati rimase ucciso proprio per un attacco di uno degli orsi. Sarebbe stato fin troppo semplice e oltretutto superfluo infierire su una figura ingenua e controversa come quella di un uomo che trasformò la sua passione in ossessione, proponendosi come salvatore in luoghi nei quali la presenza umana non è prevista, e difatti Herzog non lo fa. O meglio, crede che la storia di Treadwell e la sua morte servano in qualche modo per raccontare – tramite le nude immagini ma anche intervenendo personalmente con la voce fuori campo – la psicologia umana e i suoi “tumulti interiori”, oltre che le sorti di una persona che, in fondo, cercava solamente un posto nel mondo.
La vicenda del vivace ambientalista fa dunque luce sul nostro mondo, quello civilizzato, che è stato, a ragione o a torto, rifiutato. Il cineasta tedesco, che non è interessato poi così tanto a giudicare una vita condotta in quel modo, si muove liberamente e ragiona per immagini (bellissime), che gradualmente si rivelano per ciò che sono, mostrando l’assurdità e l’insensatezza del vero. Ma ad essere sotto accusa non è l\'immagine in quanto tale, bensì il rapporto che l\'uomo moderno, o forse l\'umanità intera, ha di fatto stretto con essa.
Herzog sceglie tra le cento ore di girato originale e le monta intramezzate da cenni biografici e interviste di chi conosceva Treadwell. Realizza un’esperimento che sta a metà tra un documentario e un film inteso in senso classico, senza annoiare neanche un attimo e regalando preziose riflessioni di rara profondità, supportate da una colonna sonora elegante ed evocativa al punto giusto. Commossi, si esce dalla sala con una strana sensazione, di aver forse veramente capito qualcosa di più su noi stessi. Dignità ed Estetica, Umanità ed Esistenza.
Presentato fuori concorso al 23° Torino Film Festival nella sezione \'Americana\'.

[ About file ]

Name: Grizzly Man (2005, Herzog), DivX, ENG AC3, by BTMN.avi
Date: 10/03/2007 04:20:13
Size: 1,561,270,168 bytes

[ Generic info ]

Play duration: 01:39:51 (5990.92 s)
Container type: AVI
Number of streams: 2
Type of stream nr. 0: video
Type of stream nr. 1: audio {grizzlyproj T01 3_2ch 384Kbps DELAY 0ms}
Audio streams: 1

[ About quality ]

Resolution: MEDIUM (608 x 336)
Width: multiple of 16 (GOOD)
Height: multiple of 16 (GOOD)
Average DRF quality: HIGH (2.747871)
Standard deviation quality: HIGH (0.585257)
Std. dev. weighted mean: HIGH (0.499253)

[ Video track ]

Resolution: 608 x 336
Frame aspect ratio: 38:21 = 1.809523 (~16:9)
Pixel aspect ratio: 1:1 = 1
Display aspect ratio: 38:21 = 1.809523 (~16:9)
Framerate: 25 fps
Number of frames: 149773
Stream size: 1,267,794,927 bytes
Bitrate: 1692.955241 kbps
Qf: 0.331484
Key frames: 2738 (0; 200; 400; 600; 800; ... 149726)
Null frames: 0
Min key int: 1
Max key int: 200
Key int medio: 54.701607
Delay: 0 ms

[ Audio track ]

Audio tag: 0x2000 (AC3)
Bitrate: 384 kbps CBR
Channels: 5
Sample rate: 48000 Hz
Chunks: 93608
Stream size: 287,562,240 bytes
Delay: 0 ms

[ DRF analysis ]

Average DRF: 2.747871
Standard deviation: 0.585257
Max DRF: 6
I-VOPs average DRF: 2.551132
I-VOPs std. deviation: 0.530770
I-VOPs max DRF: 4

P-VOPs average DRF: 2.653515
P-VOPs std. deviation: 0.493330
P-VOPs max DRF: 5

B-VOPs average DRF: 3.710294
B-VOPs std. deviation: 0.550857
B-VOPs max DRF: 6

This report was created by AVInaptic (27-02-2007) on 10 mar 2007, h 21:08:47
SW: FInal Cut Pro, DivX Pro: on win: avimuxgui, avinaptic

-- Inclusi sottotitoli ITALIANO in formato .srt --


**** ENG ** (sottotitoli ITA)
\"In the Edges: The Grizzly Man Session\"
a 50-minute documentary on the making of the film\'s music

Play duration: 00:53:50 (3229.96 s)
Container type: AVI
Resolution: 576 x 320
Bitrate: 1033.841172 kbps
Framerate: 25 fps
Qf: 0.224357
Audio tag: 0x55 (MP3)
Bitrate: 128 kbps CBR
Channels: 2
Sample rate: 48000 Hz

**** ITA only**
L\'intervista a Enrico Ghezzi e alcune sequenze commentate

FourCC: DIVX/DX50 - Resolution: 416 x 304
Framerate: 25 fps - Audio tag: 0x55 (MP3)

Play duration: 00:24:12 (1451.92 s) - Stream size: 125,918,969 bytes - Bitrate: 693.806650 kbps
Qf: 0.219447

Alcune sequenze commentate
Play duration: 00:05:12 (312.12 s) - Stream size: 27,088,455 bytes - Bitrate: 694.308727 kbps
Qf: 0.219606

- Compatibile lettori Stand Alone - (divx home theater profile)

Per caricare correttamente i sottotitoli sul lettore SA masterizzate sul DVD in questo modo:
o in modo simile, il nome del file video (.avi) deve essere uguale a quello dei sottotitoli (.srt), l\'estensione ovviamente no.
Sw usati: Final Cut Pro su Mac, avinaptic e avimuxgui su win

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Hash 59b2bde847f7779a454ee0e16d4dd621abb924c8
Peers seeds: 7 , leech: 17
Size 2.06 GB
Completato 36x
Aggiunto 07.07.09 - 21:07:32
Uploader   loris2
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