* Visualizza .nfo  


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 ┬│                    Advance_Patrol-El_Futuro-2009-TPB                       ┬│
 ┬│                                                                            ┬│
 ┬│                                                                            ┬│
 ┬│    Advance Patrol <3 The Pirate Bay                                        ┬│ 
 ┬│                                                                            ┬│ 
 ┬│    The hiphop group known as Advance Patrol hereby release its new album   ┬│ 
 ┬│    on The Pirate Bay today. They do so to spread their music to as         ┬│ 
 ┬│    many as possible, and at the same time discredit the prosecution        ┬│ 
 ┬│    against The Pirate Bay, a prosecution where Advanced Patrol has been    ┬│ 
 ┬│    used as a weapon in the circus around the court proceedings.            ┬│
 ┬│                                                                            ┬│
 ┬│    - We're both proud and happy that we're about to cooperate with         ┬│  
 ┬│    Advanced Patrol concerning the distribution of their latest album,      ┬│ 
 ┬│    says Brokep from The Pirate Bay.                                        ┬│ 
 ┬│    The name "El Futuro" origins from the Spanish word for "the future",    ┬│ 
 ┬│    which feels like a direct hit, and suits us "like a glove".             ┬│
 ┬│                                                                            ┬│
 ┬│    Advance Patrols latest album, El Futuro, will be released during the    ┬│ 
 ┬│    Sunday through the worlds largest service for file sharing, namely      ┬│ 
 ┬│    The Pirate Bay. The Pirate Bay has, as we speak, approximately twenty   ┬│ 
 ┬│    million simultaneous users, whom all with this is experiencing a        ┬│ 
 ┬│    digital release party with internet as its stage.                       ┬│ 
 ┬│                                                                            ┬│
 ┬│    Advanced Patrol is also the group, who's album "Aposteln", is one of    ┬│ 
 ┬│    others included in the prosecution of The Pirate Bay. With the          ┬│ 
 ┬│    release of their new album by Sunday, the group explains that they do   ┬│  
 ┬│    not wish to be part of the prosecution against the large.               ┬│ 
 ┬│                                                                            ┬│ 
 ┬│    - We never asked to be plaintiffs in this case, Gonza from Advance      ┬│ 
 ┬│    Patrol explains, they used us as a weapon in a fight in which we        ┬│ 
 ┬│    don't wish to participate. We refuse to be used in a war against our    ┬│ 
 ┬│    fans!                                                                   ┬│ 
 ┬│                                                                            ┬│
 ┬│    - You cannot legislate away file sharing, Gonza says. Those who         ┬│ 
 ┬│    share our music are also those who appreciate it the most.              ┬│ 
 ┬│    They are my friends, and friendship is something to be valued highly.   ┬│ 
 ┬│    That's why we're giving away El Futuro to the internet, to our friends. ┬│ 
 ┬│                                                                            ┬│
 ┬│    El Futuro can be downloaded for free from The Pirate Bay. If you wish   ┬│ 
 ┬│    to show Gonza your appreciation you can always donate what you feel is  ┬│ 
 ┬│    appropriate via Paypal. Its not a demand, naturally.                    ┬│ 
 ┬│                                                                            ┬│
 ┬│    For more info, contact Gonza at [email protected]                   ┬│ 
 ┬│                                                                            ┬│ 
 ┬│    Also, read more at Gonzas homepage: http://www.globalgonza.com          ┬│ 
 ┬│    The Pirate Bay: http://www.thepiratebay.org                             ┬│ 
 ┬│    Gonzas Paypalaccount: [email protected]                            ┬│ 
 ┬│                                                                            ┬│
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 ÃÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ                                      ³
 ┬│                                                                            ┬│
 ┬│       To Gonza and Juan Havana, we love you!                               ┬│
 ┬│       To Chafic, R.I.P.!                                                   ┬│
 ┬│       To you, our users!                                                   ┬│
 ┬│       To anyone who makes us a better looking nfo template :)              ┬│
 ┬│                                                                            ┬│
 ┬│       We're all TPB k thx bye.                                             ┬│
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