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Trash 1970 Paul Morrissey [DVD5 - Ita Eng]

Original title: Trash

Language: Italian, English
Subtitles: Italian
Format: DVD5

Stars: Joe Dallesandro, Holly Woodlawn, Geri Miller, Andrea Feldman, John Putnam
Release Date: 1970 
Genres: Drama
Director: Paul Morrissey


Trash does everything a good underground movie should: it portrays a squalid 
milieu unabashedly; it deconstructs cinema technique to the point of obliterating
it; it provides the kind of transgressive kicks that can normally only be had
in places frequented by men in raincoats. It's a sick movie but it's far from 
repulsive. Spatially it's a disaster, and performance-wise it's even worse, 
but the rawness of it, the (nearly) complete lack of pretense, is refreshing 
given the false nobility of so many films that seek to criticize the same dregs,
the same lower-rung wash-outs, that this movie unflinchingly presents. 
The film offers undistilled squalor, unfiltered dubious behavior, but does 
so with its tongue planted firmly in its cheek.

New York. Joe Smith è con una ragazza, ma non riesce ad avere un’erezione,
e la cosa si ripete da quando è diventato un tossicodipendente. La ragazza
allora prova prima a fare un balletto per eccitarlo, ma senza risultato, 
e poi gli offre dieci dollari nel caso riesca almeno lui ad eccitare lei, 
ma Joe si dimostra incapace anche a questo. Torna nella stanza dove la sua 
compagna Holly Santiago, in realtà un barbone travestito, lo lascia dormire
assieme al suo cane. Una sera, in strada, Joe conosce una ragazza in cerca
di lsd, va a casa di lei e dopo essersi iniettato una dose d’eroina cerca 
di violentarla, ma senza successo. Una volta di nuovo a casa, mentre sta 
cercando di metterne un po’ d’ordine, Holly arriva con un liceale al quale
inietta una dose d’eroina e poi abusa di lui una volta che la droga gli ha
fatto effetto.




Info Hash:


Complete name                            : Trash\VIDEO_TS\VTS_01_0.IFO
Format                                   : DVD Video
Format profile                           : Program
File size                                : 70.0 KiB
Duration                                 : 1h 45mn
Overall bit rate mode                    : Variable
Overall bit rate                         : 90 bps

ID                                       : 224 (0xE0)
Format                                   : MPEG Video
Format version                           : Version 2
Duration                                 : 1h 45mn
Bit rate mode                            : Variable
Width                                    : 720 pixels
Height                                   : 576 pixels
Display aspect ratio                     : 4:3
Frame rate                               : 25.000 fps
Standard                                 : PAL
Compression mode                         : Lossy

Audio #1
ID                                       : 128 (0x80)
Format                                   : AC-3
Format/Info                              : Audio Coding 3
Duration                                 : 1h 45mn
Channel(s)                               : 2 channels
Sampling rate                            : 48.0 KHz
Compression mode                         : Lossy
Language                                 : Italian

Audio #2
ID                                       : 129 (0x81)
Format                                   : AC-3
Format/Info                              : Audio Coding 3
Duration                                 : 1h 45mn
Channel(s)                               : 2 channels
Sampling rate                            : 48.0 KHz
Compression mode                         : Lossy
Language                                 : English

Text #1
ID                                       : 32 (0x20)
Format                                   : RLE
Format/Info                              : Run-length encoding
Bit depth                                : 2 bits
Language                                 : Italian

Text #2
ID                                       : 32 (0x20)
Format                                   : RLE
Format/Info                              : Run-length encoding
Bit depth                                : 2 bits

Duration                                 : 1h 45mn
00:00:00.000                             : Chapter 1
00:10:39.080                             : Chapter 2
00:19:04.520                             : Chapter 3
00:30:10.120                             : Chapter 4
00:41:58.360                             : Chapter 5
00:49:08.920                             : Chapter 6
00:58:34.160                             : Chapter 7
01:09:53.280                             : Chapter 8
01:19:14.880                             : Chapter 9
01:32:11.240                             : Chapter 10
List (Audio)                             : 0 / 1
List (Subtitles 4/3)                     : 0 / 1
List (Subtitles Wide)                    : 0 / 0
List (Subtitles Letterbox)               : 0 / 0
List (Subtitles Pan&Scan)                : 0 / 0