* Visualizza .nfo  


 _______ ___ __ _                                                     pk/iMP
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                   /     /     P R O U D L Y    P R E S E N T S . . .
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           |\____/     /____________________ ______ _____ ____ ___ __  _
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           |  \/     /
           |        /     GAME ......... Dale Hardshovel and the Bloomstone Mystery v1 5
           |       /      LANGUAGE ..... English
           |       \      DEVELOPER .... Phime Studios
           |        \     DISKS ........ 11x5.00MB
           |_________\    DATE ......... 24/04/2010
                          GENRE ........ GAME

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          \   \          _______ _________ _________ ______
          /____\        _\_____/  __     (_   _____(   .  (_
                       /_______\__/________\    _|__________\
          It is a usual working day in Dale's study. Suddenly, his      
          daughter Daisy rushes in, holding a piece of old papyrus      
          with strange inscriptions. She needs it for her               
          archaeological exhibition, but she can't translate it.        
          Intrigued by the papyrus, Dale checks his archaeological      
          network and finds out that the inscription is the belonging   
          of an ancient brotherhood from Egypt, and the only key to     
          the translation is the mysterious Bloomstone. However, the    
          secret is hidden in the Big Pyramid, guarded by Anubis,       
          ancient Egyptian deity. Now, Dale has to solve 100 puzzles    
          that Anubis set for him, and to collect all the missing       
          pieces of the Bloomstone. But he will soon discover that      
          there is much more to this challenge...                       
          Help Dale in the quest of searching for all the pieces of     
          the mysterious Bloomstone. Match the artifacts and win the    
          trophies for outstanding performance. Lead Dale's daughter    
          Daisy through mummy-crawling mazes, and earn some more help   
          in solving brain-teasing puzzles. Go all the way through      
          the Big pyramid and decipher the papyrus of the secret        
          brotherhood in Egypt.                                         


          If you like the game, support the developers and buy it!

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         /____\    \   _     (_    .    (___     ___/    .___(___   ---/_
                   /___/_______\ _________\________\__________/__'_______\

          1) Unpack and install                                                           
          2) Use Keygen                                                                   
          3) Play                                                                         
          We currently have a position open for: CLOSED (We will find you)

          greetz: ViTALiTY / HTG / VACE / ROGUE / REUNION / CRD / DVT / BrEWeRS

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