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| Visit: http://www.tntvillage.scambioetico.org                       |

Short Circuit - Corto Circuito [XviD - Ita Eng] MIRCrew

Original title: Short Circuit
Language: Italian, English
Subtitles: Italian, English
Release Date: 1986
Cast: Ally Sheedy, Steve Guttenberg, Fisher Stevens, G.W. Bailey, 
Austin Pendleton, Brian McNamara, Tim Blaney, John Garber, Penny Santon, 
Marvin J. McIntyre, Vernon Weddle, Fred Slyter

Number 5, one of a group of experimental military robots, undergoes
a sudden transformation after being struck by lightning. He develops
self-awareness, consciousness, and a fear of the reprogramming that
awaits him back at the factory. With the help of a young woman, 
Number 5 tries to evade capture and convince his creator that
he has truly become alive. 

Numero 5 è uno dei cinque robot prototipi costruiti per l'esercito 
americano, con uno sforzo congiunto da parte delle forze armate, 
dei laboratori della NOVA Robotics (a Damon, nello stato di Washington). 
Viene organizzata una dimostrazione per impressionare i finanziatori
 e ottenere maggiori fondi per costruire più robot. Mentre gli spettatori 
assistono impressionati alla valenza di questi prototipi, scoppia 
un improvviso temporale che interrompe prematuramente la dimostrazione. 
Questo imprevisto costringe tutti i presenti a spostarsi all'interno 
del laboratorio. Una volta qui ci si accorge dell'assenza del loro 
creatore il Dr. Newton Crosby (Steve Guttenberg), che si era rinchiuso 
nel proprio ufficio, rifiutandosi di assistere alla presentazione, in quanto 
non condivideva le applicazioni militari per le quali i robot erano destinati. 








[ About file ]

Name: Short Circuit - Corto Circuito [XviD - Ita Eng].MIRCrew.avi
Date: 11/12/2010 22:28:25
Size: 1,381,050,368 bytes (1317.072 MB)

[ Generic infos ]

Play duration: 01:34:17 (5656.64 s)
Container type: AVI OpenDML
Number of streams: 3
Type of stream nr. 0: video {Short Circuit - Corto Circuito}
Type of stream nr. 1: audio {Italian 5.1}
Type of stream nr. 2: audio {English 2.0}
Audio streams: 2
ISFT: VirtualDubMod (build 2540/release)
INAM: Short Circuit - Corto Circuito
IART: John Badham
ICMT: http://www.tntvillage.scambioetico.org
IGNR: Comedy | Family | Sci-Fi
ICRD: 1986
JUNK: VirtualDubMod build 2540/release

[ Relevant data ]

Resolution: 640 x 272
Width: multiple of 32
Height: multiple of 16
Average DRF: 3.575465
Standard deviation: 1.032141
Std. dev. weighted mean: 0.777368

[ Video track ]

FourCC: xvid/XVID
Resolution: 640 x 272
Frame aspect ratio: 40:17 = 2.352941 (~2.35:1)
Pixel aspect ratio: 1:1 = 1
Display aspect ratio: 40:17 = 2.352941 (~2.35:1)
Framerate: 25 fps
Number of frames: 141416
Stream size: 918,254,661 bytes
Bitrate: 1298.657381 kbps
Qf: 0.298404
Key frames: 1822 (0; 250; 289; 457; 481; ... 141167)
Null frames: 0
Min key int: 1
Max key int: 250
Avg key int: 77.615806
Delay: 0 ms

[ Audio track nr. 1 ]

Audio tag: 0x2000 (AC3)
Bitrate (container): 448 kbps CBR
Channels (container): 6
Sample rate (container): 48000 Hz
Chunks: 141404
Stream size: 316,770,048 bytes
Preload: 480 ms
Max A/V diff: 496 ms
AC-3 frames: 176769
Play duration: 01:34:17 (5656.608 s)
Chunk-aligned: No
Mode: 3 front, 2 rear, 1 LFE
Delay: 0 ms

[ Audio track nr. 2 ]

Audio tag: 0x2000 (AC3)
Bitrate (container): 192 kbps CBR
Channels (container): 2
Sample rate (container): 48000 Hz
Chunks: 141404
Stream size: 135,758,592 bytes
Preload: 480 ms
Max A/V diff: 496 ms
AC-3 frames: 176769
Play duration: 01:34:17 (5656.608 s)
Chunk-aligned: No
Mode: dolby
Delay: 0 ms

[ About MPEG4 encoding ]

User data: XviD0050
Packed bitstream: No
QPel: No
Interlaced: No
Aspect ratio: Custom pixel shape (1:1 = 1)
Quant type: H.263
Number of frames: 141416
Drop/delay frames: 0
Corrupted frames: 0

I-VOPs:  1822 (  1.288 %)                          
P-VOPs: 71896 ( 50.840 %) #############            
B-VOPs: 67698 ( 47.872 %) ############             
S-VOPs:     0 (  0.000 %)                          
N-VOPs:     0 (  0.000 %)                          

Max consecutive B-VOPs: 1

[ DRF analysis ]

Average DRF: 3.575465
Standard deviation: 1.032141
Max DRF: 8

DRF<2:     0 (  0.000 %)                          
DRF=2: 17884 ( 12.646 %) ###                      
DRF=3: 53772 ( 38.024 %) ##########               
DRF=4: 49794 ( 35.211 %) #########                
DRF=5: 11485 (  8.121 %) ##                       
DRF=6:  7493 (  5.299 %) #                        
DRF=7:   919 (  0.650 %)                          
DRF=8:    69 (  0.049 %)                          
DRF>8:     0 (  0.000 %)                          

I-VOPs average DRF: 2
I-VOPs std. deviation: 0
I-VOPs max DRF: 2

P-VOPs average DRF: 2.976160
P-VOPs std. deviation: 0.656759
P-VOPs max DRF: 5

B-VOPs average DRF: 4.254335
B-VOPs std. deviation: 0.926378
B-VOPs max DRF: 8

[ Profile compliancy ]

Profile to check: MTK PAL 6000
Resolution: Ok
Framerate: Ok
Min buffer fill: 81%